Premio europeo Carlo Magno della gioventù

"The European Charlemagne Youth Prize" aims to encourage the development of European consciousness among young people, as well as their participation in European integration projects.

Premio europeo Carlo Magno della giovent√π

da Iniziative in tour

del 03 febbraio 2010

Il termine di presentazione è prorogato al 14 febbraio 2010!

          L'obiettivo del 'Premio europeo Carlo Magno della gioventù' è quello di incoraggiare l'emergere di una coscienza europea fra i giovani e la loro partecipazione a progetti di integrazione europea. Il Premio viene assegnato a progetti, intrapresi da giovani, che favoriscano la comprensione, promuovano l'emergere di un sentimento comune dell'identità europea e diano esempi pratici di cittadini europei che vivono insieme come un'unica comunità.

         'The European Charlemagne Youth Prize' aims to encourage the development of European consciousness among young people, as well as their participation in European integration projects.

          The Prize is awarded to projects undertaken by young people which foster understanding, promote the development of a shared sense of European identity, and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community.

          ´The European Charlemagne Youth Prize´´ is awarded jointly and annually by the European Parliament and the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.

           Guidelines for filling in the Application Form

1. Fill in the personal details for an individual or a group. Add or remove names if necessary. Important! Each group or individual must fill in their own form. Forms filled in by outside sources will not be accepted.2. Download the ´´Declaration by the Applicant´´ Form (Declaration on EU Funding), fill it in, sign it, and upload it as an attachment.3. For project details, please note that you will need to upload your full description as an attachment. If necessary, attach more than one file. Supported formats are: doc(x), pdf, xls(x), ppt, odt, txt, jpg, gif4. Please do not forget to submit a summary of your project in English (EN), French (FR) or German (DE). Important! The summary should be short but exhaustive, covering the main aspects of your project. Often, the summary is the first element the jury observes when evaluating the project.5. Please note that in the case of group and multinational projects, the project can only be submitted in one country.6. After you have filled in all required information, click on the SUBMIT button and wait for the confirmation message. Afterwards you may print a copy of the application for your records.


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